everything seems quite a lot in the world at the moment, doesn’t it?
wars, politics, the climate… trying to seek out the happy gaps and relief online is tough, and usually in the form of dog videos. for which we are all grateful.
it got me thinking about things in real life that i am grateful for. so, à la Amèlie…
jumping in the cold cold sea
fireworks exploding in navy skies
midnight phone calls from loved ones, to peel you off the ceiling of panic
hot coffee in my devonshire mug at 11 o’clock
finding three pairs of earphones you’ve lost over the past year, seemingly on walks but apparently only in the depths of your room
gillian anderson
important hand-written signs
belfast voices
randomly doing the splits when you least expect it
running down unknown paths
grinning in the background of stranger’s pictures
remembering to pack essentials for a trip, excluding the phone charger
hot baths with big bubbles
finishing a thought
communicating in absolute codswallop nonsense to the one person who actually understands it, and them responding as equally bizarrely (you know who you are)
postcards from people across the globe
big wooly jumpers
robins singing their tiny puffing red chested hearts out
heavy duvets
crazy hair days
‘symbiotic relationships’ from 1991
unnecessary sarcasm
being on the cusp of sleep and awake
frances ha (notably this scene, but also in general)
waking up and going out and doing things in real life
"finishing a thought" <3
Yes yes and yes! X